PC World Multimedia LIVE! For Metatec Corporation: Executive Producer Tiffany Weaver Lead Producer Karin Gall Producers Michael E. Cannell, Carolyn Kaufman, Heather Huie, Vince Lasnik Technical Producer Randy Horton Proofreader Carolyn Kaufman _____________________ MULTIMEDIA & GRAPHICS Art Director Glen LaFortune Graphic Designer Cindy Lentol Multimedia Production Scott Noreen, Steve Gill, Scott Sprague _____________________ DEVELOPMENT Director Joe Keller Developers Dan Lahey, Angela Selley _____________________ CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer Service Denise Schneider Technical Support Bob McCown _____________________ Manufactured in the U.S.A. by Metatec Corporation 7001 Metatec Boulevard Dublin, OH 43017-3299 614/761-2000 _____________________ To Contact Editors: We welcome your comments on PC World Multimedia LIVE!. You can reach us at: PC World Multimedia LIVE! Editorial Attn: Tracy Swedlow 501 Second St. San Francisco, CA 94107 415/281-3915 -or- PC World Multimedia LIVE! Editorial Attn: Karin Gall Metatec Corporation 7001 Metatec Boulevard Dublin, OH 43017-3299 614/761-2000 gall@metatec.com Or via the Internet at: mmwlive@pcworld.com -or- editorial@mmwlive.metatec.com -or- gall@metatec.com When contacting us online, please include your complete name, address, and telephone number in addition to your online address. To request subscription information, subscribe or renew your subscription [7 days a week, 24 hours a day]: Domestic: 800/766-3294 You can subscribe/renew via the Internet at the following address: mmwcustomer@pcworld.com When contacting us online, please include your complete name, address, and telephone number in addition to your online address. For Technical Questions: Call 614/791-3747 [Mon. to Fri., 8:30 to 5:30 Eastern]. You can request technical support via the Internet at the following address: techsupport@mmwlive.metatec.com Please send us your name, address, telephone number, any online addresses, and the nature of your question or problem. Please also provide the volume number of the magazine. _____________________ Some graphics and photographs courtesy of Art Parts, Orange, CA, 714/771-6754 and Corel Corporation, Ontario, Canada, 613/728-8200. _____________________